History and Politics in Costa Rica

 In the island of Costa Rica, there is a great deal of history from the people, to its modern culture, and even to its political aspects. Politically speaking, Costa Rica is currently sitting as a democratic republic form of government, in which their country's leader is their president, followed by the 2 vice presidents and the cabinet. As for the island's history, Christopher Columbus landed in Costa Rica in the year 1502, then he drove back the native inhabitants of the island and claimed it as territory for Spain in the year 1524. After that, it remained as a Spanish colony until 1810, when the Mexican War of Independence took place. After the Mexican War of Independence, Costa Rica had gained its complete independence and became its own country in the year 1821, and it has remained that way since up until now. In the year 1948, there was a civil war that took place called the Costa Rican Civil War, which resulted in the country forming their government as the democratic republic it is in the modern day. Before Christopher Columbus colonized the land in the year 1502, the people of Costa Rica were split up into 2 separate areas because of its specific location between other cultural regions, causing the island's cultural division. In their governmental system, the president of Costa Rica is both the head of state as well as the head of the government. It also possesses a legislative branch and judiciary branch as well. The legislative branch operates in the form of the legislative assembly, which has around 57 members. Along with the president, these members are elected to serve four-year terms. The island of Costa Rica has a quite vast history that lead to Costa Rica being what it is today, from its government to its culture. Costa Rica currently stands as a democratic republic and its society has been formed by this and its history.

Hoops, John. “History of Costa Rica.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Mar. 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Costa_Rica.


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